Thursday, October 22, 2009

Baby-Boomers:Planning Your Move

More than 12 percent of the American population is over the age of 65 and an estimated 1.5 million of these Americans will move into new residences this year. Whether you are moving to a retirement community or assisted living facility, or down-sizing to a space that is more appropriate for your new lifestyle, moving can be stressful and emotionally draining. The following suggestions can help you execute a smooth move:
  1. Take Inventory: as soon as you know you are going to be moving begin going through your home room by room and making an inventory of EVERYTHING.
  2. Will It Fit?: visualize and compare the size of your current space with your new space then decide what you will do with items that willnot fit in your new home.
  3. Rid Yourself of Possessions You Don't Need: check with family to see who wants the more sentimental items and then decide if you will sell or donate the remaining items.
  4. Round Two: take a week off after deciding what you "absolutely must keep" and then go back to see if there is anything else you can part with. This will be easier the second and third time around.

For more moving tips, go to