Who wants to deal with a car that looks like a Popsicle when your running late for work?
Keep your headlights clear with car wax: wipe ordinary car wax on your headlights to keep them clear of that wintry mix of salt, slush and snow. The special water repellents in the car wax will prevent such things from sticking. Thus, helping improve your visibility and safety!
Ice proof your windows with vinegar: fill a spray bottle with 3 parts vinegar to 1 part water and spritz it on your car windows at night. The vinegar will raise the melting point of water - preventing it from freezing. If you wake up to a frozen car, just spray the mixture on the windows and watch it melt!
Prevent car doors from freezing shut: spritz cooking spray on the rubber seals around car doors and rub it in with a paper towel. The oils in the cooking spray keep the water from seeping into the rubber when the snow melts and then freezing again!
Fog-Proof Your Windshield:spray some shaving cream on the inside of your windshield and wipe it off with paper towels. Shaving cream has many of the same ingredients found in commercial defoggers and it creates a protective film on the glass that prevents fogging.
Squeak-Proof Your Wipers: saturate a cloth with rubbing alcohol or amonia and wipe down your blades. The solvent will cut through the dirt and grime and make your wipers work like new!
De-Ice Your Lock: put some hand sanitizer gel on your key and the lock... problem solved! The alcohol (found in most de-icers) does the job. Just be sure your hand sanitizer is at least 60% alcohol (or it won't work for your locks or sanitizing!).
Get Un-Stuck: turn off your car, stick the rubber side of one of your floor mats under the spinning tire, turn on your car, and give it some gas. The rubber will give you the grip you need to get out of a sticky situation!
FINALLY.... don't deal with all of these issues AND a move too. DIY moves are overrated! Call Accent Moving & Storage / Mayflower Transit for all your moving needs.... WE KNOW ALL THE TRICKS! 918-251-5594 or 800-331-3378
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